The winter months tend to be particularly blue for many, including children. Oftentimes, these darker and colder days are accompanied by decreased motivation and mood. It is common for children to experience the winter blues, or increased moodiness and irritability.
Reasons for promoting positive emotional health in children during the cold weather:
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) - a drop in serotonin levels in the brain can lead to seasonal sadness that impacts overall emotional well-being.
Reduced Outdoor Activities - various restrictions in outdoor play due to weather related issues
Social Isolation - Less time outdoors and more time indoors, school breaks, bad weather making it difficult to leave home
Changes in Sleep - Disruptions in sleep pattern, due to temperature changes, respiratory problems, hours of sunlight changing, and more
Hence, during this season, it’s crucial to keep physical and mental wellness at the forefront and take advantage of various winter specific opportunities to boost morale. Some ideas are explored below to promote meaningful experiences to help families navigate seasonal sadness and make the most of these long cold months.

Winter Themed Activities: These activities provide children a sense of excitement during the winter months, as they are unique to winter.
Building Snowmen/Snow Angels
Sledding/Ice Skating
Winter Festivals, Markets
Winter Hikes/Scavenger Hunts
Incorporate Movement and Physical Activity: Exercise improves mood and reduces stress. Cultivating some indoor exercise options can be beneficial, especially if outdoor exercise is not possible. Many routines and guides can be found on YouTube!
Dance Parties
Indoor Obstacle Courses
Indoor Scavenger Hunt
Creating a Fort
Discovering Indoor Hobbies: Finding an indoor hobby is not only fun, but also gives children a sense of accomplishment when finishing an indoor project.
Art and Craft Projects
Cooking and Baking Projects
Family Game Nights
Reading and Storytelling
Social Connections: Winter months come with winter vacations, so usually more time for friends and family. But winter months can also bring isolation due to bad weather.
In Person and Virtual Playdates
Writing/Sending Cards to Loved Ones
Baking Holiday Treats for Friends and Family
Volunteering Opportunities
Meaningful Conversations and Memories: Perfect time to have intimate and deep conversations.
Cultivate a Family Culture, Ritual or Routine Specific for the Winter Months
Regular check-ins
Year End Reflections (Explore the previous blog post)
Mental Health Resolutions
Discuss a goal your child has and help them come up with the steps to achieve it!
Adjust activities based on your child's interests, developmental level, and preferences. The goal of these activities is to equip children with tools to navigate the challenges of winter to promote positive emotional health and wellness.
If you feel your child is needing further emotional support, schedule a free consult with one of our Certified Child Life Specialists here.