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Highlighting Child Life Beyond Hospital Walls: Happy Child Life Month!

March is recognized by the Association of Child Life Professionals as Child Life Month. As child life specialists aim to maximize coping and minimize stress across many different areas, this post aims to share some places and areas that child life specialists bring their expertise to serve children and families beyond the hospital walls.  

child teletherapy

As mentioned in the position statement for child life specialists practicing in community settings from the ACLP, child life was initially established to meet the needs of children in hospitals. However, the unique skill set of child life specialists are applicable to many other environments where children are exposed to stress and challenges in life. Wherever child life specialists are, many strive to promote optimal development and coping of children and their families. 

Below are some examples of locations where child life specialists serve children and families:

Private Practice 

Adult Cancer Centers

Non-Profit Organizations

Community Support Centers


Hospice and Bereavement Centers 

Medical / Dental Clinics 

Pediatric Medical Homes 

Early Intervention Programs 

School Systems 

Crisis Support Service Agencies 

Disaster Relief Services 

Emergency Shelters

Child Advocacy Programs 

Foster Care Agencies 

Judicial System 

Funeral Homes 

Home Health Care 

Rehab Settings

Military Bases

Hospice Centers

and MORE!

Child life specialists working in these types of community settings play a crucial role in promoting the emotional well-being and resilience of children and families. Their background in providing psychosocial care in the hospital setting can be adapted to support children and families in various difficult circumstances. Outside of the hospital setting, child life specialists can help to improve outcomes for children facing various challenges, such as divorce, bullying, academic anxiety, grief/loss, abuse, etc.

If you, your child or your family or friends are needing some guidance in helping children cope with something challenging, know that you can access child life services 7 days a week and anywhere in the United States with Hearts Connected!

Hearts Connected is a team of Certified Child Life Specialists supporting children and families nationwide through virtual child life services. Our goal is to ensure every family has access and the opportunity to receive child life support. Contact one of our child life specialists today by scheduling a free call here.

Curious to know what our therapeutic plan would be for your child based on their specific need or circumstance? Find out here!

1 Comment

Aug 14, 2024

Враховуючи всю важливість та цінність новин на сьогоднішній день, то я можу з повною впевненістю сказати, що завдяки новинному порталу Glavcom, я почав по справжньому отримувати якісну інформацію. Завдяки їх професіональному підходу до своєї справи, а також неймовірному різномаїттю тем для статей, я дізнався багато нового. Також, великим плюсом є те, що вони пишуть розлогі статті про спорт, що надає можливість громадянам дізнаватися більше про всі події. Та і загалом, якщо вже казати про спорт, то це саме та сфера діяльності, котра залучає найбільшу кількість людей. Але якщо відійти від теми спорту, то також я багато читаю новин на різноманітні тематики, котрі надають мені більше уявлення про те, що відбувається у світі, що дає мені змогу більш об'єктивно підходити…

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